While the Spring Salon exhibition of new Aboriginal works from around Australia continues at Whistlewood, the gallery’s curators Susan & Emily McCulloch are sorting through works gathered over 10 years for a unique sale exhibition opening on Melbourne Cup Weekend.
“We realised that it’s been almost 10 years that we’ve been bringing Aboriginal art from all over Australia to show on the Peninsula and have acquired a considerable number of works in our stockroom,’ says co-curator Susan McCulloch. “This spring seemed a really good time to revisit these and find them new homes.”
Many of the works she says, have not been seen before while others have been shown once a number of years ago and remained behind the scenes ever since. A few newer works are also being included.
“It’s quite exciting to see the range of works we’re discovering,’ says Susan.
Included are early works by artists of the Pitjtantjatjara lands at the start of stellar careers, classic works from the Western Desert’s leading art centres of Papunya Tula, Papunya Tjupi and Warlukurlangku Artists, colourful works from Utopia and the Pilbara as well as Kimberley ochres, barks from Arnhem Lands, carvings, fibre works and works on paper from many regions.

Many of the works are small to medium in size and with a range of larger works also and all will be as affordable as possible.
“We’re keeping prices as low as we can as we really want these works to go home with others for their walls, rather than languishing in our back rooms! Also we’ve never done a sale such as this, so this is a once in 10 years opportunity.”
One of the McCullochs’ popular Art Parades will launch the exhibition on the Sunday of Cup Weekend on November 4. Whistlewood will also be open on both the Monday and Tuesday of Cup Weekend with the exhibition running until November 25.
The art parade is a free event, however seats are limited and bookings essential.
Whistlewood, 642 Tucks Road, Shoreham 3916
Exhibition open Sunday November 4 – Tuesday November 6 + Saturdays & Sundays through to November 25 | 11am-4pm
T: 03 5989 8282. M: 0419 896 473
E: info@mccullochandmcculloch.com.au